Chalkbeat's Audience
Size and scope, site wide
average monthly users
average monthly page views
We have bureaus in the following communities: Chicago, Colorado, Detroit, Indiana, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Tennessee. Plus, a national desk that reports on nation-wide trends and policies.
Our readers' primary roles
Chalkbeat's readers are professionals, insiders, and equity-minded citizens who live at the center of the education conversation. If you're looking to advertise graduate schools of education enrollment, edtech tools, teacher professional development opportunities, student programming, classroom resources, or reading materials, we can certainly help.
Anecdotally, we have found that our target audience — school leaders, principals and DOE decision-makers — are reading Chalkbeat as a source of news, so it makes sense to advertise with them.— Julie Benns, NYC Outward Bound Schools
Our readers' education
Our readers' gender
Our reader engagement
71% of readers
say our newsletters are extremely or very valuable.
For 35% of readers,
Chalkbeat is the only education newsletter they read
Our readers' income
73% of our readers
have an annual income of $75,000 or more.
17% of our readers
have an income of $200,000 or more
Our readers' influence
88% of Chalkbeat readers say: “Friends and colleagues often ask my opinions about education news and current affairs.”
71% of Chalkbeat readers say, “I am often the first person in my professional circle to know about developments in education news and current events.”
94% of principals and administrators said they had “Discussed something [they] read in Chalkbeat with teachers or other administrators in the last month.”
Some of our sponsors
Our readers' organizations
- K- 12 schools
- Employment
- Career consulting services
- Professional development
- Online learning
- Remote learning solutions
Information from reader surveys and Google Analytics